Case Studies

Solving complex digital challenges for real-world impact

The DX Center partners with libraries, archives, museums, non-profits, and start-ups. Below we provide a collection of recent project case studies created by Pratt students, collected and curated by Pratt faculty.

Usability Testing

Gauging the website building experience of the Universe app

by Ruhee Shah

Usability Testing

Facilitating an AP World History Learning Experience for Engram

by Jen Lee

Usability Testing

Improving the accessibility of research materials for the Accademia di San Luca

by Arthi Sundararajan


Enhancing the Met Museum browsing experience through eye-tracking insights

by Xiujie Bi


Curating visual content strengthens user experience when securing a Ticket to the MET: Insights from eye-tracking

by Alyssa Binda

Usability Testing

How we used a few tweaks to improve the online shopping experience for Kazani Beauty

by Carolyn Yu

Web & Social Media Analytics

Using web analytics to help a family-owned hair and body care business increase revenue

by Danielle Kingberg

User Interface Design

Designing a Customized Audio Walking Experience

by Olivia Turpin

Web & Social Media Analytics

Analyzing web and social media data to help the Digital Preservation Outreach and Education Network increase their reach

by Olivia Turpin

Web & Social Media Analytics

Using digital analytics to help Ingenium understand how their new website is performing

by Elisabeth Pefanis

Museum Digital Strategy

A digital strategy to help Cool Culture better support family engagement with art and culture throughout New York City

by Anna Size

Usability Testing

Increasing monetary donations for the Urban Outreach Center: A website usability study

by Monica Hersher

Explore our case studies archive for more examples of past student work.