Case Studies

Solving complex digital challenges for real-world impact

The DX Center partners with libraries, archives, museums, non-profits, and start-ups. Below we provide a collection of recent project case studies created by Pratt students, collected and curated by Pratt faculty.

Usability Testing

Reducing visual clutter and improving discoverability for the Mural Routes website

by Elizabeth Pefanis

Usability Testing

Clarifying labels and improving sharing options for The Henry Ford’s digital collection

by Haimeng Gong

Usability Testing

Improving the usability for Audioguiarte’s progressive web application

by Ali Ciftci

Museum Digital Strategy

Creating a digital strategy for the Fenton History Center

by Aimee Shi

Information Architecture

Redesigning the Variable West website to attract new visitors

by Aichen Guo

Usability Testing

Evaluating the Mission Electric website to make it more understandable and easier to navigate

by Aichen Guo

Usability Testing

Examining the usability of SVA Library’s new website to maximize efficiency and accessibility

by Christine Tenny

User Interface Design

Creating a more cohesive visual vocabulary for a new surgical technology interface

by Meera Nathan

Web & Social Media Analytics

Generating more web traffic and improving content navigation for the Cooper Union Library

by Armon Burton

Web & Social Media Analytics

Increasing user engagement and reducing the exit rate for the Mural Map of Canada website

by Siddhart Rajendra

Usability Testing

Creating a more intuitive API interface for Cooper Hewitt

by Alyssa Binda

Usability Testing

Clean air through clear communication: A remote moderated usability study for Empire Clean Cities

by Michael Kelly

Explore our case studies archive for more examples of past student work.